Aphrodite名字怎么读: Aphrodite读 [æfrə'daiti], 真人发音:
Aphrodite英文名什么意思:爱神 爱神 意义未知,可能是腓尼基人。阿芙罗狄蒂是希腊的爱女神,等于罗马女神金星。她是Hephaestus和Eros的母亲的妻子,她经常与桃金娘和鸽子有关。希腊人将她的名字与αφρος(aphros)“泡沫”联系起来,导致她从海洋泡沫中出生的故事。
Aphrodite情侣英文名: Alafair 阿拉费尔 、 Alafia 阿拉菲亚 、 Alah 阿拉 、 Alahia 阿拉希娅 、 Alahna 阿拉纳 、 Alahni 阿拉尼
Aphrodite相似英文名: Atagulkalu 阿塔古卡卢 、 Atala 阿塔拉 、 Atalanta 阿特兰特 、 Atalaya 阿塔拉亚 、 Atalee 阿塔莉 、 Atalia
Aphrodite适合的中文名: 才玉 、 童彦 、 铮灏 、 淇汀 、 贝画 、 演畅 、 沥淳 、 书睿 、 谦牧 、 优秀
去根据中文名起英文名 >>Aphrodite英文名给老外感觉:Aphrodite英文名在外国人眼里是一个女性占比多,给人感觉聪明、独特、经典、正统的好名字
以下是老外对英文名Aphrodite的看法,并把英文翻译成中文,让大家知道 Aphrodite 英文名外国人眼中是什么样的真实看法和感受!
阿努克寓意:荷兰语和法语缩写ANNA。 荷兰语和法语缩写ANNA。
安妮亚寓意:波兰缩写ANNA,以及ANYA的变体俄语转录。 波兰缩写ANNA,以及ANYA的变体俄语转录。
安妮丝寓意:ANNIS的变体。 ANNIS的变体。
艾达寓意:Adda [ad-da]作为女孩的名字是古德语派生,Adda意味着“高尚”。 Adda是Ada(Old German)的一个版本。与...相关联:noble。
译 美国出生的16名女婴(2015年)被赋予了阿芙罗狄蒂。
译 嘿,所有,阿芙罗狄蒂在这里!回答一些问题...我是希腊人,以我的祖母命名,并有几个表亲名为阿芙罗狄蒂以及。
To answer some of the questions... I'm Greek, named after my grandmother and have several cousins named Aphrodite as well. I grew up in a small town in Canada where diversity was not really all that common. I knew all about the name Aphrodite by the time I was 2, everyone asked if I knew what the name meant and I'd give out little Greek mythology lectures by the time I was 4 to whoever asked. I was a shy kid that didn't really want the attention the name brought so reverted to "Didi" in high school. College I switched back to Aphrodite because I "felt' more like an Aphrodite. College was the first time anyone tried to nickname me "Afro, Fro, Desiac, Aphrodisiac, etc., lack of responses on my part seemed to stop it. Now in my 40s I'm quite comfortable at having such a name, despite the fact that I have some wrinkles and am getting a few grays. Career wise I worked predominantly with men in IT and Geology sector. I always had major reactions to it from "Cool! To 'Were your parents high? Did you name yourself? You look like an Aphrodite..." it really varied. There were times that I just wanted to be called Christine or something, but in the end I love its uniqueness, and no one has ever forgotten me. When that song "She's so high' came out, people were calling me out of the woodwork saying that they'd hear it on the radio and thought of me. In the end, it is just a name. I did not turn into a sex goddess, I did not go broke because no one would hire me, I did not wear more makeup to live up to a name or image. I was respected at work by my male peers and made great friends with women wherever I went. I have 3 degrees and did amazingly well in all my ancient history and mythology classes... hmmmm, wonder why, lol. I'm sure that some snide remarks were made behind my back, but seriously, those people would have made one even if my name was Jane. I never heard anyone call me Hermaphrodite, not once, this board is the first time I've seen it referred to that. If I die at age 95 and looking nothing remotely like a Goddess, then that is fine too, my life has been pretty normal, just had a kick when introducing myself for the first time.
译 很多人都说不要在女神之后命名你的孩子,因为这是一个神圣的名字或者什么。在我看来,继续命名你的孩子阿芙罗狄蒂。这是一个美丽的名字(任何人,甚至你的宠物或汽车)。人们一直追求宗教信仰的人命名他们的孩子。圣经中大部分的名字今天都很广泛。耶稣,约翰,玛丽,约瑟都被广泛地用于文化和边界。使用女神的名字为一个人是美丽和强大。
译 我真的认为这个名字看起来很丑陋,丑陋。
译 我喜欢这个名字,但是我会发表这个名字。最后没有迪连声。
El is a Beth
译 在美国的另一个可能的缺点 - 在我的口音中,最后两个音节被发音为“didey”,至少在我的家庭,俚语是一个婴儿的尿布....人们已经提到了“非常”。
And people have already mentioned "afro".
译 ●阿富汗人是阿尔巴尼亚人●非裔人是巴斯克人,波斯尼亚人,保加利亚人,加泰罗尼亚人,克罗地亚人,加利西亚人,马其顿人,葡萄牙人,罗马尼亚人,俄罗斯人,塞尔维亚人,西班牙人和乌克兰人●非洲人是白俄罗斯人●非裔人是荷兰人和意大利人●非裔人是世界语●Aprodita是菲律宾●非洲裔是现代希腊语●非裔匈牙利语●非裔人是立陶宛人●非裔人是波兰人●非裔人是土耳其人。
●Afrodita is Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Galician, Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Ukrainian
●Afradyta is Belarusian
●Afrodite is Dutch and Italian
●Afrodito is Esperanto
●Aprodita is Filipino
●Afrodíti is Modern Greek
●Afrodité is Hungarian
●Afroditė is Lithuanian
●Afrodyta is Polish
●Afrodit is Turkish.
译 我觉得这个名字真的很漂亮,但是每当我听到这个名字的时候,我都会想到PC Cast的“Night of Night”系列的角色。这绝对不是一个很好的关系,我的性格是一个酗酒的女孩,每个人都讨厌。不管怎么说,超级美丽,当我八岁时,我想命名我未来的女儿贝尔阿芙罗狄蒂:-)。我现在永远不会用于一个孩子,但也许是一个角色。
Anyway, super beautiful, when I was eight I wanted to name my future daughter Belle Aphrodite :-). I would never use it now for a child, but maybe a character.
译 美丽的名字!还有很多事要做。我觉得如果你喜欢一个名字,你有一个实际的理由背后的名字,然后使用它!至于没有人相信这些神和女神...你错了。许多异教徒仍然相信,他们是一个大群体,比人们都知道更多。那就像我说没有人相信耶稣了。或者只有一个神了。这是同一件事。
译 美丽的,会是,但你能想象一个70岁的这个名字吗?用作昵称。