李易峰(英文名Yifeng Li起源于英语),男,身高:181cm, 体重:60kg, 星座:金牛座, 血型:A型,1987年05月04日 (80后明星)出生于四川省成都市,演员,歌手,制片人
李易峰的英文名字叫什么:叫Yifeng Li
李易峰的英文名:Yifeng Li; 李易峰的英文取名为 Yifeng Li,李易峰好听的英文名叫 Yifeng Li
李易峰的英文名怎么读:Yifeng Li读音为 ,Yifeng Li真人发音:
李易峰的英文名字叫什么?叫Yifeng Li。李易峰的英文名简称Yifeng Li,李易峰的英文取名,李易峰好听的英文名,李易峰的英文名怎么读?读:。起名网为您提供李易峰英文 名Yifeng Li,与及相关个人信息介绍,包含李易峰体重、身高、生肖、血型,出生年月日等个人信息。
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名字含义:The meaning of the name Sabiniano is "Sabine man" which refers to a person from the Sabine tribe in ancient Italy. The similar name with a meaningful interpretation is Sabino, which also means "Sabine man" and represents someone who is proud of their ancestry and heritage.